I'm slowly, but surely, ticking off the items on my to-do list. Apart from having accomplished half of my to-do list, I'm feeling really great about my resolve to do what I'm supposed to do in a timely fashion.
So the list goes as below. Should I miss out anything, feel free to let me know. Sharing is caring kan? (And other bride-to-be pun can share this list together-gether...hihi)
Shila's Wedding Checklist
Hantaran Kown
1. Sireh Junjung - To do on hari kenduri
2. Ring
3. Al-Quran
4. Shirt+Pants+Tie+Cufflink - Done, except pants
5. Wallet+Card Case+Belt - Done
6. Perfume Set - Done
7. Toiletries Set + Electronic Shaver - Done, except shaver
8. Towel - Done
9. Watch - Done
10. Fruits
11. Chocolate
12. Cake
13. Item yet to be decided - Bunga rampai kot?
Hantaran Shila
1. Sireh Junjung - To do on hari kenduri
2. $$ Hantaran - Done
3. $$ Mas Kawen - Done
4. Ring & Bangle - Done
5. Al-Quran
6. Baju Kurung - Done
7. Watch - Done
8. Handbag & Purse - Done
9. Make-up - Done
10. Toiletries
11. Chocolate
Wedding outfits:
Solemnisation - Baju Melayu & Sampin - In progress - BAK
- Chiffon Jubah & Selendang & Veil - In progress - Amin Jauhary
Reception - Baju Melayu, Sampin & Tengkolok - In progress - BAK
- French Lace Kebaya - In progress - Amin Jauhary
Invitation cards - In progress
Bunga pahar (200 stalks) - In progress
Bunga telur - Ordered, arriving soon.
Room Deco - Bedsheet, quiltcover, pillowcases - Done
- New furniture. Hihihi
- Other deco
Photography (Magicclickers.com) - Deposit paid
Make-up (Eleena Lamat) - Deposit paid
Hantaran deco. - In progress - Mama Roy! Kelass youu~~
Catering (D'rasa Catering) - Deposit paid
Pelamin (Sher Design) - plus stairs deco, room deco, high table setting, arch, flowers' stands, handbouquet - Planning & discussing
VIP Doorgifts - Done
SPA - Searching. Anything best?
Bride's Maid & Best Man - Ada but P&C. Hihihi
Flower girls - Done. Dress in progress
Entertainment: PA System & Emcee
Hurmm, few more to the list. I missed out these important things.
Honeymoon - Waiting for MAS Travel Fair or Matta Fair
Lingerie - Will do the hunting with Gerdix! Hehehe
Step 1: HIV Test
Step 2: Borang Nikah Kown
Step 3: Surat Kebenaran Nikah Luar Kawasan
Step 4: Borang Nikah Shila - Will only do by March. Approval granted valid for a period 3 of months saje.
Place to stay after married - Rumah Abah&Mama. Hehehe
Mini Me? Eyh, silap. Mini Us. Hihihi - Reading all the neccessary preparation. Ehehehe. Wanting a.s.a.p
Here's to a great beginning and an even gre ater finish! (Insyaallah....)
: : My greatest "secretary" of all. Engagement gift from kazen ku sayang dari Melbourne. (Su, you just bought me the right thing for the right time) : :
: : Currently reading this. Also a great book to go for. : :
: : Operation opening soon. Bunga pahar. 200 stalks. Gulpppp!! (Bajetku kecik cinonet, dan I can't afford for RM10 bunga pahar each. Kali 200? RM2000?? Sile buat sendiri. Harap maklom.) : :
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