Studio Cafe

Last few days, we went to Studio Cafe for a dinner and my overall rating for that place is OK-lah.

Nice but nothing extraordinary nor special that distinguished Studio Cafe from the rest of so many eating places out there. But I can feel that it has a slight touch ermm like a local version of Planet Hollywood. I mean the whole decor and ambiance of the cafe itself, especially on the mini wall of fame, the mini stage and the frames.

Service is generally efficient and the food was pretty much the same to the standard of many other cafes with regular western and local menu: pastas, steaks, burgers, sandwiches, nasi ayam kampung, nasi goreng menangis *heh?* and etc. Eyh cop, they have fajitas! But I'm not sure on how it tastes tho, because my expected sedap-ni fatty burger turned out plain and not as bloody juicy as shown in the picture. Hukhukhuk.

And I personally think that the price is slightly expensive as compared to the overall satisfaction that we had. Our total bill was RM48.90 for Nasi Ayam Kampung, Mushroom Burger, Apple Juice and Teh Tarik when it was all "Boleh-lah". So, mahal la kot? Even Ayam Panyet that has never failed to satisfy my taste buds pun baru dalam RM30 je kan? +P


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