Adam's first LRT experience :)

Adam Haris yang dah reti segala bagai. Skill critical thinking juga agak bagus. Otak spesis "think out of box". Obviously warisan otak Mat Kown, bukan macam Mama dia. Sebab I jenis yang malas nak fikir teruk-teruk cari alternatif segala. Contoh, kalau nak tengok movie, I prefer to watch something simple, yang boleh buat gelak-gelak sahaja macam tuh. Never in my life to spend RM10 for a movie ticket and torture myself watching a heart-stopping-hantu-kill-kill-die-die show. Never. Eyh apa aku merepek nih kan.

Ok back to Adam Haris.

What I wanted to say is don't give him a simple plain reason to your "NO" or "TAK BOLEH" or "JANGAN" and expect him to chew the fact as it is. Because no, he won't.


When he asked Ayah for a car ride and Ayah told him, "TAK BOLEH. Hari hujan. Tak boleh keluar, nanti basah" he replied, "Amik ayung (payung)."

When he wanted to play with water in the bathroom and we said, "TAK BOLEH. Bilik air gelap, lampu takdak" then he replied, "Bukak ampu (lampu)."

Or when he so wanted to wash hands in the kitchen sink and we told him, "TAK PAYAH. Tangan Adam bersih, tak kotor, buat apa nak basuh" Hah! He will immediately touch anything that can actually make his hands dirty.

Or when when he wanted to turn on this small battery operated car with super annoying lagu pasar malam and I said, "Bunyi dia takdak dah. Bateri dah habis". I tell you what, give him 5 minutes and he will come back with batteries that he took out from the other remote control car. 

So much of connected brain cells. :P


Below pictures takdak kena mengena pun dengan cerita di atas. Hahaha. Itu hanya update pendek tentang otak cergas Adam Haris. Akai bersepah. Drama king jugak tapi tu cerita di waktu lain. 

Lepas dah banyak kali mintak nak naik train, so baiklah, kita naiklah LRT kan. 

And now, untuk ke dua belas ratus kali dia ulang-ulang cakap, "Abang Adam nak naik plane! kat awan! kat langit! inggi! (tinggi)" dan ulang lagi setiap hari without fail. -___-

Antara perkara kegemaran Adam jugak. "Digger angkat anah (tanah). Nak buat rumah Abang Adam. Besh!" 

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