Dumex Mamil "All 'n One" Launched

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I suka pergi event, lagi-lagi kalau event berkaitan ibu dan anak. So last week, I dapat jemputan from Danone Dumex (Malaysia) untuk hadir pada sidang pelancaran produk baru mereka, Dumex Mamil All 'n One. Ok wait, I think I sound too formal here, haha, which is so not me. Of course the invitation was accepted with great pleasure. 

Anything about kids growth and development matters, I always love to know more. Hence, attending event is definitely one of the best ways for me to gather more info and help to resolve many arising issues pertaining to my kids. So one of those is quality of kids' growing up milk, hence any new particular info will definitely be handy for me to make comparison between labels (hahaha I'm not sure if other moms do the same, but I did). Ok, let's not talk about breastfeeding is the best, I know. Been there done that, but Aiman is three and Adam is four and they just need something extra on top of their everyday meals, just that. 

I've tried several growing up milks on Aiman haha and ahhh maybe I'm just so lucky to have that can just adapt to any of formula taste and texture. Janji minum perut kenyang. However, some resulted in Aiman being constipated and not doing his business on routine. I was about to give Dumex Mamil a try because they focus quite a lot on balance nutrients and fiber. Yes fiber. Not just DHA AA and bla bla bla. So just in time with event attended and lepas tu boleh decide untuk try Dumex Mamil pulak.

Speaking at the launch, Ms. Toni Brendish; Managing Director Danone Dumex (Malaysia), she said that according to research done, Malaysian children is not getting sufficient and balance nutrients based on the 5 important food groups (dairy, carbo, protein, fat and fruits/veggies). Sad eyh? Seriously, 9 out of 10 kids in Malaysia are lacking a balanced diet and most of them consume an excessive amount of fats and protein. 

Research has been done to about 740++ group of kids, from different socio economics background and above mentioned is the sad finding; obesity is on rise. To support those, pagi tadi dekat radio, they mentioned that "Malaysia KEKAL tangga pertama masalah obesiti di kalangan negara Asia". Cry a river now. Seriously parents, do we want our kids to be obese? I bet no. We must always remember that their foods preference should be adjust since small, bukan dah besar nanti baru adjust. Aiyoh that one haaa very difficult to mend punya.

One thing for sure, family socio economic background does not determine whether or not the kid is getting sufficient healthy nutrients everyday. Kaya or sederhana or susah, all same, want to eat fatty foods only. Haha.

So this what Danone Dumex is doing, with help of Universiti Putra Malaysia, they carried out the research (about 2 years) before they finally came with this product, which is dedicated to Malaysian children and specifically tailored to meet daily nutrients requirements. Yes, formulated special untuk kanak-kanak Malaysia, with nutrients from all five food groups to help them develop to their full potential :)

Dumex Mamil All 'n One contains 30 nutritional ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, fruits, veggies extracts as well as DHA, protein, calcium and zinc. Sucrose free yeay! and it has a winning taste amongst children. Yeay, no tipu here, I tasted it already :P There's a hint of Blackcurrant, my boys definitely love it! 

This newly launched product is now available at all leading supermarkets and hypermarkets nationwide. Price wise? RM42.70 (step 3, 500g), RM72.90 (step 3, 900g), RM38.90 (step 4, 500g) and RM65.80 (step 4, 900g).

So far, both Adam and Aiman doing good with this susu. Tak reject, maybe sebab taste blackcurrant. Big business going on smoothly every morning and no side irritation occurs. :)

Rasa susu anak :P Owh saya memang spesis akan rasa dulu susu formula tu hehe.


  1. waves. :) nice meeting you that day ya

  2. as salam, ada beli mggu lepas utk ank tp belum try bg..sbb hrga lg murah berbanding dumex mamex..hope serasi..

  3. Susu ni utk elak obes ke.tgah cri susu utk anak yg kurus kering xnk mkn nasik ni :(

