Kown Resignation & BBQ Idamansara

Well, besides that "owh I am so S-L-O-W" mode that I am currently into, Hubby has tendered his resignation letter to the Company on 31st July 2008. Yeayyy, no more stupid 3am calls just to fix and to config that stupid Juniper router. All he needs now is to consider the offers that he has in hand.


Westport. Sorry I am not sure on the job scope nor the job function but all I know it is Westport that offers a good remuneration combo. But again, Port Klang is way too far from our place now and the working hours is on shift basis.

Second choice is an offer from this Pak Aji, who offers him a company to run, with no bosses/seniors inside, formal office wears is never in existence, flexible working hours, better pay than now of course and company located in Damansara Perdana. I wonder where on earth that he met this pakcik. That Pak Aji himself will be the boss to him and this Company is just one small tiny bit of the whole Corporation that the Pak Aji owned.

Well, from my perspective, taking into consideration the kelembapan that I have now, I would say that the second choice is best fit you hubby. Because you always want to run your business, owning shares and making profits out of it. Maybe I forgot to mention that the Pak Aji offers him 10% shares in the Company. Well, it maybe small but it is definitely a good start for you.

So, I guess I shall caiyok caiyok for that Rimbun Kembara Sdn Bhd. ;)

Sebagai penutup, untuk kasik jeles kazen2 di Aussie, terimalah gambar2 agenda Cik Bedah & Family. BBQ held in Idamansara. Stay tune for more yer cousins; Steamboat Desa Haras and Dusun Hulu Langat. Hihihih

: : Marissa, my youngest cousin : :

: : Preparing stuff mushrooms : :

: : Juru-bakar for the night. Err is there such word meh? : :

: : Gossip terhebat di pasaran : :

: : Perfect BBQ Combo : :

: : Sampai jumpe lagi di agenda Steamboat kita yer : :

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