Isu breastpump saya lagi

I should be jumping over the moon by now sebab Mat Kown kata,

"Ok, boleh la amik pam tuh"

But I am not. What most important now is to have a close look on it, touch and feel the said pumps before deciding to buy one. If everything is more or less the same, then might as well I settle for Spectra 3. But if Medela personalfit breastshield can cater to my size *muahahahahhaa*, then I probably grab that one. Freestyle function tu value added lah, bukan I nak berjoget ke sana ke sini pun dengan botol tergantung kat badan. Ekekekekekekke.

It was a hot topic on his FB yesterday *and still is agaknya* because he put up his status as,

"Beli ke tak beli?? Beli ke tak beli??"

Dah la sebelum tu upload picture drive BMW *law of attraction*, which everyone thinks "Mat-Kown-nak-beli-BMW!!"

Pandai la hampa! Beli keta besaq, duk rumah kecik, haku buh bantai tilam semua dalam keta tu satgi. +P Ok fine, rumahku syurgaku, no matter how small it is. Tapi kalau duit tu cukup beli keta bombastik-mister-loba-loba, mestilah boleh beli rumah landed dulu kannnn??

Anyway, it's all about buying a breastpump.

But he asked me this,

"Kalau macam tuh, bagi Adam breastmilk sekali lah, boleh?"

Errrr....saya kurang pasti disitu. Tak ter-imagine nak direct feed Adam balik kan, dengan gigi dia yang 12 tu, probably dia buat geget saja. *Dah memang sekarang dia suka gigit orang, gigit tangan, gigit bahu, gigit pipi if possible*

Anak sulung saya adalah monster susu. He drinks on average 6 times per day with 7oz per feeding (kadang2 tujuh kali sehari, ikut mood dia) He drinks just as much as before he started on solids. Ku fikirkan kurang lah minum, tapi nampaknya tidak. Tapi tidak apa, biarlah dia jadi monster susu daripada takmau minum langsung, lagi mak susah hati nak fikir. =P

So yeah, nanti I dah cuba-try-test both pumps, I bagitau apa konklusinya di sini okels? :)

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