Planning for a trip

April birthday combo is coming up and before we know, time flies fast and in a blink of an eye has passed March. Ok, one thing for sure, no birthday party for this year. Mak tak larat dah oihhhh. However, I would definitely say yes for a vacation and I seriously don't mind to go through the hassle planning for one.  

So the last few days I've been checking the webs looking for options, siap ada hati nak pergi Seoul bagai. Muahahahah. Ah, berangan apa salahnya, kita taktau rezeki nak datang macam mana. Among others lagi ialah Hong Kong Disneyland which I bet Adam and Aiman akan lebih enjoy compared to Universal Studios Singapore. Disneyland Paris dulu mungkin tak masuk record memory Adam pun, baru setahun whereas Aiman obviously was 5 months in mommy's womb. 

Akan tatapi, while browsing and saving itineraries dalam folder, I terjumpa photos ini.

Oh em geeeeee! Not a single second dia mau duduk diam-diam dalam kereta, pic 2nd tu dia terjun tiruk dalam kereta on the way back to Penang dulu. Imagine kalau naik flight banyak jam?? T_____T

Maybe I should just get back to reality, ikut kata suami, "if we can survive a boat trip to Pulau Pangkor WITH Aiman, itu adalah seribu rahmat sangat. Tak payah nak fikir overseas lain" -_______-

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