Homemade Playdough

Well yeah, it's much more economical to make our own play-dough than to purchase those small but expensive tubs in toy stores. And since most children find playing with colorful dough is a great fun, regardless whatever the commercial name is, so even it's homemade, they will still love it. ;) 

Plus, it's fine if the kids decided to mix the colors or to spoil the whole batch altogether because it uses only few cheap ingredients and takes very little time and effort to prepare the dough. :) With that, we can always make another fresh batch of dough next time.

But most importantly, it's toxic free and edible! In my case, I don't have to worry if Aiman decides to eat play-dough, because I know that this little man like to eat strange things (including coins!). It's absolutely fine if he refuses to listen to my request to stop eating the dough, so makanlah if nak makan sangat. 

Ok, side story here, did I tell you that he once pooped a 10cent coin? I'm not kidding, I swear! It was not fun to see a shiny silver piece as part of his stool but my husband made a joke out of it and said "inilah anak yang Ayah cari! Berak keluar duit!" -______- Ohhhh please, not again please, because he suffered quite a bad tummy-ache prior to that. Thank God, nothing serious happened!

Anyway, back to this this easy peasy play-dough recipe, it doesn't require cooking but worry not, you will still get the same doughy substance for kids to play with. 

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 4 tbsp cream of tartar (it's in powder form)
  • 1-2 tbsp oil (to give the shiny look)
  • Food coloring (preferably the paste version)
  • Water

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, mix vigorously with hot water until you get the soft doughy substance. Siap! 

Ok, it may get a little messy but hey, this definitely will save you money, a lot! :)

Above all, thank you Munirah for this brilliant idea! :) Lepas ni I nak try slime recipe pulak. 


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