Boosting Up Metabolism

Ok, bila kita bercakap tentang diet, the first thing that will cross your mind is "control food intake, jaga makan" Memang itulah perkara common dalam agenda diet kebanyakan orang. And whether you are doing it the right way or otherwise, itu pun satu issue jugak. Most often, kita akan pilih untuk skip breakfast sebab kita rasa breakfast tak penting, or maybe malam sebelum tu dah makan banyak, so konon skip breakfast boleh tolong kurangkan lemak.

Please don't that, sangat-sangat salah kalau buat macam itu. Breakfast is a MUST :) Because breakfast helps a lot to boost your metabolism lepas badan dah berehat tidur selama maybe 6-8 jam (or maybe more). So boleh bayangkan tak, dah tidur 6 jam lah katakan, then you decided not to take breakfast and tunggu sampai lunch, which dah 4 jam, and that's a total of 10 jam badan tak dapat nutrisi. Long enough for body to send signal that "hello this fella is starving, please keep the fat pleaseeeee, don't burn it". There goes, lemak langsung tak terbakar, makin bertepu-tepu lagi ado :P

So point one, EAT YOUR BREAKFAST. Owh, a healthy one please, yang tinggi nutrisi, yang lemak-lemak tak mau haaaa...

Second, ini ada satu pemerhatian random, which I rasa logik lah kan. SLEEP EARLY and WAKE UP EARLY. Oklah, mak-mak selalu ada masalah nak tidur awal sebab nak kena uruskan anak-anak and whatnot and that happens to me as well. But well, things can be manage kalau kita nak, jadi mari cuba ok? So now, I akan make sure paling lewat untuk tidur is 12am sebab esok by 5am dah kena bangun.

Imagine kalau kita tidur lewat sangat, badan tak cukup rehat, it disturbs your hormones (generating more hormones yang boost selera makan and kurangkan hormone leptin yang membawa signal fullness), you akan jadi sleep deprive and bangun pagi jadi zomba. Once dah zombified, mulalah esok pagi nak makan merepek-repek, katanya diri emo. So SLEEP ENOUGH and START YOUR DAY EARLY.

And kalau kita mulakan hari dengan awal, take breakfast properly, badan kita pun ada banyak masa nak kerja dari pagi sampai malam. So calories yang nak dibakar tu spread evenly throughout the day. Tapi kalau pukul 12 tengah hari baru nak bangun, and you kick start your body dengan one big lunch, serupa macam majlis takdak mukadimah lah. Crash terus. And you have less hours for your body to digest everything yang you makan untuk hari itu.

Third point, MOVE A LOT. Banyakkan bergerak, add a little bit more activities on top apa yang kita buat hari-hari. Jogging bukan benda yang most preferred lah, so kalau susah nak bersenam, why not cuba naik tangga ker, or park kereta jauh sikit untuk jalan sampai ke ofis ker macam tuh. In fact, kalau kita banyak minum, kita akan lebih kerap ke toilet, so banyaklah berjalan berbanding duduk melangut saja depan PC kan? :) Amalkan active lifestyle, tak mau duduk releks-releks saja ok? Well, kalau boleh workout or exercise tu lagi baguskan? Hehe...

Fourth, last but not least, EAT SUPERFOODS. Haaaa, superfoods di sini bermaksud foods yang boleh merendahkan cholesterol, increase metabolism and stabilize kan mood. Ok, sekarang I akan listkan antara suggested superfoods and yeah, lepas ni boleh redah supermarket berdekatan untuk stock up makanan yang berkenaan hehehe.. =)
  • Veggies - broccoli, cabbage, water cress (ini tiga ada cancer preventing antixidants), carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, asparagus, celery.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - source terbaik ialah salmon :)
  • Eat berries
  • Spice up! Cayenne pepper, cinnamon, oregano, paprika.
  • Fruits - Grapefruits, apples, oranges, lemons.
  • Green tea (or in my case, hari-hari minum Herbalife tea mix. Ohsemmm!)
  • Lean protein - turkey, chicken, choose for white meat over red meat.
  • Yogurt! But please check for label. FAT is what we concern most ;)
  • Fiber-rich foods - oatmeal, bran cereals, brown rice, nuts, green veggies.

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