What do you mean by this?

Referring to this post, I received the comment below,

"Anak baru satu, sedar sikit..."

What do you mean anyway? Perlikah? Sorry ya if I'm wrong, but I read it that way. I take it as, "anak kamu baru satu, jangan berangan nak tulis buku"

Dear Cik Siti,

Yer saya tahu, anak saya memang baru satu. Adam Haris nama dia. Tapi nak tambah lagi satu. ;)

So tell me, anak berapa baru saya boleh tulis buku ya? =P

Just to make it clear, I said I WANT to write a book. But did I mentioned anywhere in the post that I will write and make it publish very soon? I can start writing now, but it may take years for the book to be published. :) So chill lah Kak Siti.

If you think that I am no where capable to share my experience and knowledge *yang seciput cuma*, I appreciate if you can say it nicely. I'm fine with that, but don't ever come here and shout your words dengan tak bersopan. Suami saya selalu pesan, kutukan itu yang akan membawa kita ke suatu level yang lebih tinggi, bukan pujian. But yeah, kutuk dalam kata lain, kritik lah baik-baik. ;)

P/S: I memang suka buat special entry untuk orang-orang macam ni. Probably they need extra attention, so yeah, I'm giving it here. :)

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